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Can't We All Just Get Along?

How is it that love and unity are something that seems less and less prevalent? More and more, we see why people are angry. We even are more willing to share and argue what angers us. But what about unity? Whatever happened to "peace and love man" (picture me with rose-colored glasses and tie-dye). There was an entire movement in our nation pushing more unity, understanding, and peace. And now it seems like most communication and feelings are all about division and separation.


Maybe it should not be such a surprise because the more we rely on ourselves and our feelings, we will be misled, and we will fall short. Maybe the only way one can live a life of peace and unity is to live a life following the heart and character of God. This idea of peace and unity is not a 70's idea, and it is not my idea; it is the Bible.


Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. Then you will find favor with both God and people, and you will earn a good reputation. - Proverbs 3:3-4


Christians, you have got this wrong!

Too many have convictions (even good ones), but how you share or push your beliefs has wholly abandoned this approach. Loyalty and kindness are entirely lacking in your practice.

When the author explains how important this is, he says; tie them around your neck, which has an ancient Jewish tradition of showing the importance of something. But for us, we can likely understand this as well. What is around your neck, a reminder for you? What is close to your heart, how important it should be. This is what God calls us to, live like this.

Instead of people being hurt or angry at Christians and the church, people will see the heart of God because of the actions and words of man.

But it doesn't end there. Because of this type of living and acting, we are also told what we can expect. You will find favor from God. You will experience blessings. God will be pleased because you are living in a way that is a good representation of God. But you can also expect to discover favor from other people. They will be attracted to this type of person. And from this lifestyle, you will have a good reputation, which means a lot.

Think of it this way. A good reputation is good for you. You are liked and respected. But it also does a good thing for the Gospel. Instead of people being hurt or angry at Christians and the church, people will see the heart of God because of the actions and words of man.

So how are you living a life of loyalty and kindness?


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