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Go BIG, Start small

Join me and before you continue with your day or read the rest of this, read 2 Kings chapter 3.

Have you ever felt like God was directing you to something BIG? Something that you never thought possible? Given you a passion, a burning desire to do something? A career, re-location, a degree that you never thought possible, adoption, promotion, starting a business? But then this burning desire seems to hit a 'roadblock' your once excitement has now turned to stress.

What if God was ready to provide for us, to do something BIG in our lives but he was waiting for us to start small. To do the little things that we can control. To show our obedience.

... all three armies traveled along a roundabout route through the wilderness for seven days. But there was no water for the men or their animals.“What should we do?” the king of Israel cried out. “The lord has brought the three of us here to let the king of Moab defeat us.” (2 Kings 3:9-10)

The kings and their men came to a 'roadblock.' They forgot what God had first promised them. They allowed the difficult situation to trump their promised victory.

What area in your life have you allowed the 'roadblocks' to hinder your faith? Were you on the path God set before you only to stop and turn back?

When the road looks to end, when the plan seems to fall apart that is when God steps in. God never planned to do all the work for you, He is waiting for you to start where you are with what you have and He will step in when the need is greater then our abilities.


Only God can accomplish miracles but He uses us to dig the ditches


He then said, “God’s word: Dig ditches all over this valley. Here’s what will happen—you won’t hear the wind, you won’t see the rain, but this valley is going to fill up with water and your army and your animals will drink their fill. This is easy forGod to do; he will also hand over Moab to you. You will ravage the country: Knock out its fortifications, level the key villages, clear-cut the orchards, clog the springs, and litter the cultivated fields with stones.” (2 Kings 3:16-19)

Dig ditches. Dig some ditches. Get out there and grab a shovel and get to work. Do what you can and God will do the rest.

The kings and their men were already on the journey. They had to step out in faith and know God is at work. But isn't that like us? We have a moment of faith, we begin the journey God has called us to but then we forget. We stumble. The faith that once took us onto the journey has now seemed to fade away. Just like Peter we have taken the step of faith out of the boat but then as we took our steps one by one our faith fades and we begin to sink.

No matter where you are at. If you haven't even taken the first step because the concern of failure seems to mighty. Or if you feel like one of the kings stranded out in the wilderness wondering why God ever brought you to where you are. God is calling you to stop! To remember His promise. Remember His faithfulness. To dig a ditch, to wait and watch and see His faithfulness.


God calls us to have BIG visions but to start small and He will accomplish much


God still has a plan for you. Just like you first step, your second and third steps need to be in faithfulness. Know that His promise still remains, that He is still standing beside you and get out there and dig a ditch.

As you go about your day ask this question.

What small ditches do I need to dig to begin the process of making that vision a reality?




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