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Do you have a purpose? More than just a 9-5 job that you hate, but it pays the bills. More than kids soccer games on Saturdays. Yes, more than making it to retirement where your purpose is to do whatever the heck you want when you want (kinda sounds nice).

A purpose in life.

An objective.

Titus was a young disciple that was mentored to become a leader and pastor. An apprentice of Paul, learning underneath a great leader in preparation to continue that legacy. Titus' purpose and goal in life was to build the church. To go to new places sharing the Gospel and helping others follow Jesus too.

But now, Titus is beginning to live out his purpose. He helps plant a church in a new city. He begins the work of building new leaders, pastors, elders. Sounds great! But with his purpose being lived outcomes problems. Planting a church means people are involved. People ruin everything. Titus begins to experience tensions in the church. People arguing over different ideas or opinions (sound familiar?). Well, Paul hears this news a writes Titus.


Such people claim they know God, but they deny him by the way they live. They are detestable and disobedient, worthless for doing anything good. - Titus 1:16



That doesn't sound very pastoral, Paul.

Paul may have used strong language in this verse because Paul knows all too well if you have a purpose, you will experience pain. And as Paul planted churches, he also began to see problems with people. Not always looking to be a part of the Biblical Church but to get something personal and selfish.

But in this, Paul explains before and continues after this verse. Don't lose focus on what matters. Don't miss your purpose. Remain faithful to your calling.

Stick to your vision and calling.

People and problems may get in your way, but don't let them distract you from your purpose. So this begs the question, what is your purpose, and how are you living it out?

People and problems may get in your way, but don't let them distract you from your purpose.

The verse before explains that all this is possible by remaining pure. Keeping your focus on the right things. You can't fulfill your purpose if you aren't remaining pure. You can't help from an empty place. You have to take care of yourself.

But verse 16 is not just about other people. Is it talking about you? Are you detestable and disobedient?

Sounds harsh but stop for a moment.

You cannot celebrate the grace of Jesus without recognizing that it changes you.

We cannot celebrate the grace of Jesus without recognizing that it changes us. That means our lives begin to look different. I am not saying that you should be perfect, and if you are not, you are detestable. What I am saying is that we should continue to be more like Jesus. That's what following Jesus means. To apprentice under Jesus.

How are you remaining on point with your purpose?

What has God called you to? Place on your heart?

How are you allowing God to challenge and change you today?


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